I don’t really know if it had anything to do with licking the pole at the park on a particularly cold day...hmmmm
As a kid, I did go outside and play in the snow for a bit, but never stayed out long. The nose dripping, the chapped lips and frozen fingers and toes just didn’t do it for me.
I thought I should try skiing. Skiers are ALWAYS looking forward to winter and snow so I thought – there must be something to this skiing thing...However, I have always had trouble with foot cramps and I soon discovered that being strapped in those ski boots is not a good combo with foot cramps!!!!
I have dry skin, like really dry skin, scratch and you bleed kind of dry skin. The winter is just so horrible for my skin. I can’t get enough lotion or humidity. We have a humidifier on the furnace and we have an additional one in our bedroom and still there is not enough humidity. I sometimes think I must have been a reptile in a former life with all the skin that I shed – I know, I know – you didn’t need to hear that!
Cleaning and scraping off the car and warming it up and sitting in the car shivering HOPING that the heat kicks in sooner rather then later. Driving in ice and snow is another story…I am not so fond of that either. Again I don’t know if it has anything to do with writing off my fathers 3 week old car during a snow storm when I was 16 (Roger wrote off his mother’s car on the same day – you never thought you would thankful that someone else had an accident - we can laugh about it now… we were both fine)
When it is very cold outside, I have trouble breathing. I go outside and take one breath and I feel like my lungs have shrunk to nothing and I can’t bet enough breath. I breathe through my scarf, my mitts or anything that I have that will filter the air and make it warmer.
As I have gotten older, my teeth have become more sensitive too. I take a breath in the cold air and almost pass out with the pain in my teeth. I do use sensitive toothpaste, but it can only do so much.
So as I sit here and the snow is falling profusely outside and with the temperature dipping to -13C (8.6F) tonight and a wind chill of -22C (-7.6F), I am not a happy camper and would much rather be on a beach in Mexico!
I am obviously not a very good Canadian girl!!
So ends my venting and complaining about the cold weather...for now...
Oh for some Australia weather right now. Hot and humid at my mother in laws.
Oh well....someday
I hear yeah! Winter is not my thing either, the older I get, the more I realize I need a house in Barbados for the winter! Let's just hibernate like the bears :)
I can understand but at least the snow looks pretty when you can stay inside and admire it. I love spring and summer for my plants outside.
I am the same way! I abhor winter and have tried the whole skiing thing as well. However, My hands and feet always get so numb and painful no matter what kind of socks and no matter what type of mittens I wear. Last year, Joel almost bought battery operated mittens (with built in heaters) just so I wouldn't freeze on yard duty! Three more months until spring!
I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that tomorrow's high is going to be -21 (including wind chill) ;)
I hear ya - we can stay in the lodge and swill mimosas...let the others ski ;0)
I am right there with ya! Winter=bad, summer=good!
It is not fun. We cross country ski but other then that activity to get my butt in gear, we hibernate the rest of the time.
And traffic in snow storms/ice/"Oh no...where did winter come from? I have lived in Canada all my life and yet I am surprised and have lost the ability to think and drive like a sane person!"
Catch my drift?
Keep smilin!
Oooohhhhhh tell me about it! My mother-in-law lives in Barbados and she keeps telling us about how aqua blue the water is, how white the sandy beaches are, and how warm the temperature is. I would hop on a plane today if I could!
Michelle, Kirk and I are TOTALLY going to be snowbirds when we retire. We both HATE the cold winters.
( 3 more sleeps)
ditto with the skin!!!
my ohhhh my that is COLD. While I miss Christmas snow, I don't miss that cold.
Snowbird definately!!!
p.s. you can visit here anytime you want, the daffodils are in bloom!!!
Oh that's a funny post! Hang in there Michelle - only 50 some odd days till spring. :)
Yes, I am 100% officially sick of winter. I just met someone who is moving to San Diego where it is 75 degrees F and sunny 300 days a year (or something like that), and he was moaning about the loss of the seasons. I say, forget it, who needs seasons?
Ok...when are you moving to Arizona?
I think you need a trip south. Somewhere warm and tropical...... keep warm!
I guess that makes me a freak to be happy that we've finally got some winter! Hey, it gives you an excuse to wear fab sweaters, cuddle by the fire with your sweetie and drink hot chocolate!
I miss the winter but not that kind of winter...that is UGLY winter. I just want a little bit of snow for fun not that kind of UGLY winter. You poor things and what a contrast to your last post with that fantastic beach photo. Just keep staring at that.
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