Sunday, October 28, 2007

Time Change?

Someone forgot to tell my computer AND VCR that the 'fall back' hour change doesn't happen until NEXT weekend.

To top it off, we have 2 clocks that run on batteries and BOTH of them were losing their batteries and running slow...

I spent all of Sunday an hour behind the times - not realizing that the computer, VCR and the two battery clocks were wrong...

I have since fixed them, but now it is going to have to be ME who remembers to change them again all NEXT weekend!

On another note - I have been very lax in thanking I-Con for my duck!! I had seen these ducks popping up on other sites and then I got one!!

I will have to say though, the post mark on the envelope was September 21st and I didn't receive it until October 10th!! Quite the LONG journey to get here - 19 DAYS!!!

Thanks I-Con for thinking of me!


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Arg! That's infuriating. Okay, maybe that's an overreaction...I guess it's just irritating, but nonetheless...
I had an appoitnment the morning and had to put money in the parking meter (it is one of those computerized ones that spits out the tickets. Well, no one bothered to tell it that the time had not changed and I ended up paying $5 for the hour that I wasn't even there. If I woul dhave received a ticket, I would have fought tooth and nail on my own behalf. Why can't they leave the time alone??

4D said...

It is a tad confusing! I never remember the time change until I hear about it the day before. You are efficient!

Keep smilin!

Catherine said...

Not fun! Did you get to sleep in an hour yesterday? That would be the only benefit to all this frustration. My 'old' VCR went back but the newer one knew about the change. Kinda scary since I bought it 5 years ago. Hmmm...since it knew about the change long before it was announced wonder if I could ask it when we'll be getting our reffals? LOL!

Laurie said...

I just noticed that my computer did the same thing. Ugh! BTW, thanks for the tip on trying Costco for eyewear. I'm going to check it out tomorrow with a friend who has membership.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Bad technological gadgets!!!!

Hey, I had a dream about you the other night! We were both going to pick up our daughter's from some sort of Swiss chalet. When we got there, there was our Belle, colouring on the floor, and there was YOUR daughter, colouring right beside her! It was weird, because some lady called your name and the girl looked up and yelled, "Mommy!" and ran to you. Very cool. Just thought I would tell ya!

PS- Your daughter was Chinese. :-)

Mamacita said...

This happened to us this morning. My alarm went off at 6:30 and John said, "What are you doing getting up so early? I said, "I don't know", meaning that 6:30 is still too early. He said in a few minutes. What time does your alarm clock say? His is set by the atomic clock so its "always right." His said 5:43 when mine said 6:34. We both got up anyway.

Lisa said...

I always get confused with the time change and we always seem to miss a few clocks in our house. Oh well I hope tomorrow is better.

D & S said...

The time change is such a pain in the butt. We have so many clocks in the house now something usually gets missed.

C's Mom said... timing has stayed okay fortunately.

You're welcome for the duckage. It still amazes me that I can get a package to Australia far faster than to Canada. Bizarre.

redmaryjanes said...

So when offically does the time change? as we know it. said...

Yes, I agree on the time change thing.
I went into work yesterday and the dispay on the phone said 6am, I hurried and turned on my computer to see if this was correct and I had not realised!
Luckily it was just the phone displays were out and I did not get up mega early!

Liz and Ava said...

I'm aweful for remembering the time change...on more than one occasion I have showed up for work an hour early!...well I guess that's better than an hour late!
Also can never remember how to change the clock in the car so end up leaving it that way and just know that it is an hour off...until it's time to change it back again! Lazy Eh!

Ashley Winters said...

Thanks for the reminder! I forgot that it was next weekend as well.