So I am sitting at my computer minding my own business.
Something catches the corner of my eye.
I look down.
There is a mouse at my foot.
I jumped - it scared the crap out of me.
My jumping scared the crap out of it.
It ran.
I haven't seen it since - though I have heard it.
The pest people will be here in the morning.
No there's not! How are you going to sleep tonight with that critter in your house/????
EEeeeeeks, you can get good harmless mouse catchers.
We suffered with mice last year..caught them all and set the free....far away!
We've never had a mouse here, but we have at school and K2 always used live traps and set them free. Aside from ants (which are the WORST) mice are right up there in the ick factor. Hope you can find the little guy and get rid of him! Watch out for the's toxic for humans.
Did you get any sleep?
We can rent out Deuce to catch it for you. He's cheaper than the pest people...
They must all be trying to get out of the all the rain we've been having. We've caught two here. One was in Kaileigh's dresser. YUCK is right!!
Hope you get rid of if fast!
I was working in an office once and I had the SAME thing. THat little sucker was SITTING On my foot! OOOOH, YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, you guys are really giving me the heebie jeebies with the thought of a mouse on my skin. I wouldn't be able to sleep because I'd worry it would crawl on my during the night.
We've had them in the house once in a while and I can't stand it but thankfully they've kept to the first floor.
Evict the critter and fast. And I'm afraid that you'll probably find some of his brothers and sisters making their appearances too. There always seems to be more than one.
Yuck!!! Probably came in to keep out of the rain. Hope you're able to get rid of it...and it's friends quickly!
I would be jumping on furniture!!! EEK indeed.
Keep smilin!
I would be jumping on furniture!!! EEK indeed.
Keep smilin!
Hope you got rid of the little guy - we had them in our garage at the old house and used live traps to get rid of them - Wes then drove then out to the country and let them go. Not fun to have the little univited visitors for sure.
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