Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dolores!!

Today is Dolores' birthday!! Pop over to her blog and wish her a great one.

Mark and I are very lucky to have met and become friends with Dolores and Shawn. They are wonderful people and and we are so happy that we will share such a special part of our lives with them in China.

Enjoy your day - YOU DESERVE IT!!!


Michael and Tammy said...

Hi Michelle

I am soory I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday on your actual day! I hope you had a great birthday and your ring is very pretty! I am on my way over to wish Dolores a Happy Birthday too!!

redmaryjanes said...

Look at you two birthday girls!!

D & S said...

Thank you very much! You were very much missed yesterday. I hope you had a great weekend.

Headmeister said...

Looks like you guys have a mutual admiration society going on! lol!!!

insanemommy said...

Happy Birthday to the girls!!

Calico Sky said...

Just did! as we know it. said...

Happy birthday to Dolores and a belated happy birthday to you to.
I love the ring that Mark gave you.

insanemommy said...

Sweater was gorgeous! Very talented.