Friday, September 14, 2007

Johnny's Gargantuan, Rolling Meme of Doom!

Johnny's Gargantuan, Rolling Meme of Doom!
1) Read the meme that was dumped assigned to you. Answer the questions.
2) Add TWO new questions to the list. Answer those questions.
3) Forward Dump this onto the next blogger victim (and list their name and link to their blog).
4) This series will conclude when we get 50 questions - so yes, it's 25 bloggers in the chain.
5) Please make sure that the next victim in the "link" doesn't have a password protected blog.
[Optional 6] Update the links so people can follow along (this is similar to the method I used in the Why China series).
[Optional 7] When you see an update, down the chain, update your own page with the new questions and answers.
[Optional 8] Copy these micromanaging instructions into the top of your meme post.

1. What secret/surprising/personal goal (that is realistically achievable within the next 15 years) would you like to fulfill?

I would love to have 2 daughters. I am HOPING that this is realistically achievable in 15 years...sometimes I wonder...

On a totally different tangent, I would LOVE to be a surgeon. I am not a fan of school so that kinda knocks that one out of the ring for me...

As for something that I would realistically achieve...

2. Can you list an event in which you made a last minute decision or guess that significantly changed the path of your life?

I had a neighbour who was going on vacation. She had asked me to water her gardens and plants while she was away. I was in her backyard and realized that she didn't have a hose. There was a hook up but no hose attached. I had a couple of choices...

I could go home and unhook my hose and bring it over
I could go to the neighbour on the left and ask him - I knew him personally...
I could go to the neighbour on the right and ask him...I had never met him formally.

I chose the neighbour on the right - it was Mark. We were married 15 months later.

3. What is one unrealistic goal (but your total secret dream) that you would love to come true, but are pretty sure it won't ever happen?

Growing up I always wanted to be President of the United States – Being Canadian that is not going to happen.

Following that I would say that I always wanted to be the CEO of a large company. The older that I got, the more I realized that my HOME life was the important part and if I was to attain either one of these, the home life would suffer.

As a third option, I would have to say that being a famous movie star &/or Miss Canada…o.k. don’t laugh!!

4. Who has had the most influence on your life and what did they teach you?

My mother - DEFINITELY - she taught me EVERYTHING. She raised my sister and I mostly by herself and I think that she did a GREAT job! She taught me everything from how to cook, how to treat other people, how to be compassionate, how to drive, how to love myself, how to handle money. She introduced me to traveling, theatre, other cultural events, the importance of family and I could go on and on.

5. You are on a deserted island. You are stranded with someone from any point in time for 2 months (they are coming to rescue you but are busy right now). Other then family/friends/naval engineers, who is it?

I am thinking that I could stare are George Clooney for 2 months...

Then there is Sayed from Lost - he is pretty handy...

Or there is Yau-man from the last Survivor – he would be a good choice.

If we are going for realistic, I guess I would love to be on an island with someone who is funny, like to talk and who is good at trivia. As for the person that fits that category, I am going to go with David Letterman. I think he would be a good island mate.

6. Name and describe 3 things on your mind lately. Is there any particular reason why you're thinking about a particular thing?

1) My job - I love my job, but I have a hunch that the scope of the job is going to change in the next year or two. I am thinking I am going to have to take some courses (see answer to question 1

2) Finances – ‘nuff said

3) Pumpkin - she is always on my mind...I wonder if she will EVER come...

7. If you could go back to one moment in time and change it, what would the moment be and what would you change it from and to?

I think that I would go back to the moment in time when I started smoking. I was very young and very foolish for starting such a thing. I think about the damage that I have done to my body w2hile I was smoking. I wish I hadn’t given in to the peer pressure and even though I did, I wish I hadn’t continued until I was hooked…After about 20 years, I smartened up and quit. They say that the damage that was done can be SOMEWHAT reversed…I sure hope so.

8. What is your biggest pet peeve and is there anything that you can do or do do to stop other people from doing it?

I am going to have to say that I have MANY pet peeves, but currently I would have to say that bad drivers top the list. Everyone goes on about how speeders cause accidents and I am not denying that, but I think just as many accidents are cause by people who drive too slow - ESPECIALLY when they are in the fast lane.

As for doing something about it, I have thought about changing careers to become a driver test examiner...

O.k. here is the link chain as per Johnnys Command: Q 1&2 - So it's Come Down to This, Q 3&4 - Our Journey to China, Q 5&6 - 3 D's Adoption Journey, Q 7&8 - Waiting for Pumpkin, Q 9&10 - Two Kayaks


Anonymous said...

I agree on the bad drivers.

Rhonda said...

Even though I've heard the story of the hose before, I still love it.

D & S said...

Bad drivers is one of the many reasons why I don't want to drive. OK, another excuse but it works.

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I love the story of how you and Mark met. It always melts my heart.
I loved your answers and who knew that you wanted to be a surgeon?? Love it and you would make an excellent doctor. :)

Two Kayaks said...

Very cool meme!! Loved your answers and I agree with your choice of David Letterman...he's awesome!
Okay, I am going to do this...FUN!

Mamacita said...

I love the story about how you met Mark. THANK GOD she didn't have a hose!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

That story about how you two met is SO cool! Isn't it amazing? :-)

I would choose Yau-man too- he could do anything!

D said...

Good answers so far...and good questions...I'm going to work on mine now!

Tracey and Mike said...

Wow - love the story about the hose!

4D said...

Your meeting story is the sweetest!

Keep smilin!

Diane said...

I will fight you for George Clooney. If just George and I were stuck on an island for 2 months, I'm pretty sure he might have sex with me!

"M2" said...

who is the cutie on lost with the blonde hair and scruff?
I pick him
over and over again

crazylady said...

So Mark showed you his hose on the first meeting? Egads !!
Now to go back and read the rest!

redmaryjanes said...

I would agree tha bad drivers make me nuts!!
Great answers, very good going back in time.

Donna Paonessa said...

That story on how you met Mark is so cool!!

Donna Paonessa said...

OH - and I loved Yauman too!!