Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree

Christmas is coming up so quickly! I am KINDA prepared. I have MOST of my shopping done but I haven't even started the wrapping yet.

Christmas day is a busy one for us - we have FIVE stops. It is a busy day, but a good day spent with family.

On Boxing day however, we stay home, in our pj's all day. We don't answer the door, we don't answer the phone we just stay in and eat the left overs that we have gathered from the 5 stops from the day before. It is BLISS!!


The Carmodys said...

We LOVE jammie days over here. That boxing day sounds heavenly!!! And I'm sure Christmas day is kinda fun too! :)

Your tree looks beautiful.


Rhonda said...

Sounds almost lovely enough to convert. ;)

D & S said...

I love your tree! I love jammie days. Those are the best.

Operationtigerlily said...

Don't make me come to Canada and bust down your door because this Boxing day sounds absolutely heavenly!! Okay, if I knock nicely will you let me in?

C's Mom said...

Your tree is beautiful...and Boxing Day sounds like a major treat.

Lisa said...

Wow 5 stops!!?? I'm liking the jammie day on the 26th for sure.

Pretty tree!

Mamacita said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely. Just be happy you do not have a dog that would run over there and knock the thing down.

Cari said...

Lovely!!! I'll call you Boxing Day to see how it all was :)

4D said...

Love your tree...pretty!

Memo to not call on Boxing Day!

Keep smilin!

Catherine said...


5 stops on Christmas day? Phew!! You're gonna be tuckered!!

I'll be flying by your place Boxing Day morning so just leave a key under the mat and I'll swing by to grab some Chrismas leftovers. ;o) There's gotta be lots with 5 stops of goodies, right??

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so pretty and festive! Your Christmas tree is beautiful!

kitchu said...

oh how i wish the US celebrated boxing day... we all just go back to the grind of work. ugh. your tree looks fab! as we know it. said...

5 stops on Christmas that is an insane day.
No wonder you stop in your Pj's all day boxing day...mmmm bliss!

Merry Christmas from all of us to you...xxxxx