Saturday, February 23, 2008


Tonight Mark and I went to the L*eafs game!

It was a GREAT game - they even WON!!!!

The man sitting behind me TALKED through the WHOLE game.


It was exhausting listening to him...


Anonymous said...

I hate people.

4D said...

You should have shoved an hot dog in his mouth to shut him up!

Keep smilin!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I do NOT like know-it-alls. At all. In the fall. On a call. In a stall. At a ball. Being tall. In the fall. At the mall. Doing a crawl.

Catherine said...

Yeah for the Leafs! Sorry you had to sit in front of Mr. Know-it-all. Pretty insecure guy I'm guessing.

OH MY #6 said...

Good times at the Leafs games. I love it.


Laurie said...

Oh.....I think I know that guy! I used to work with him and he was sooooo annoying. He would get gabbing and I would have visions of punching him in the mouth. Lucky for him that I had some self-control.

kitchu said...

2K cracked me UP. Perfect comment.
Congrats on the win!

C's Mom said...

Oh, I know that guy....just do you best to avoid him.

Ashley Winters said...

Sometimes people can be extremely annoying!

Tracey and Mike said...

Hmmmm, I didn't realize my brother in law was at the Leaf's game on Saturday...

redmaryjanes said...

Yes, those people who know everything can really make you beg for some quiet.

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

How Rude! I hate people like that! Not just a talker but also one that knows everything … how special … NOT!!!!

I bet he is one of those “movie theatre talkers” too!

Smiles! :o)

Operationtigerlily said...

Stupid question. Are the Leaf's hockey? Football? Baseball?

Clueless in California