Saturday, December 06, 2008

TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!

Yes people - that is TWO YEARS that we have been waiting in line to get our baby from China. I know there are people who have been waiting longer then we have - however, I am SURE that we will wait longer then them (does that make sense?).

It has been THREE YEARS since we started on this journey.

However - trying to keep on the positive - we have met so many FANTASTIC people and have become part of a wonderful community. Some of the people that we have met on this journey will be life long friends and for that part of the wait I am thankful.

Today also marks the TWO YEAR mark for Dolores and Shawn. In keeping with the positive, if we were not where we were, we wouldn't be traveling to China with them.

Happy 24 months to us and them...sigh...


C's Mom said...



PS - you are so right. The amazing people we have managed to connect with on this journey certainly help keep us sane.

Anonymous said...

Two groovy years baby.

Rhonda said...

Happy(?) two years...

D & S said...

I know my friend I know. What a crazy two years it's been.

In honour of today, I will eat a Crave cupcake for you :). Wish we could each have one together. Miss you guys so much.

Catherine said...

2 years...such a long time. Hang in there friend. Your precious baby girl will be worth it and sometimes knowing that is about the only thing that keeps us going.

SO thankful for our friendship! You and your hubs are treasured friends!


Operationtigerlily said...

Twenty four months worth of hugs from me to you...

waitingformaddie said...

Happy two years to you as we inch closer...

Anonymous said...

You are right. We have waited longer right now but you will leave us in the dust.

This totally sux.

Happy LIDversary

Juliette said...

Happy 2 years!
We are behind you and hanging on with you on this journey.

Special K said...

Two years down... slowly but surely we'll all get there. :)

4D said...

2 years done.

Happy to know you and to have you in our lives.

Keep smilin!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Wow. TWO YEARS? Yikes. Well, congrats, I guess. I am thankful, too, for the friends I made in this long journey.

Michele said...

Happy 24! The wait sucks period. as we know it. said...

Yep it's a freakin long time..thank goodness for great friends!