Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Shitty Post


Why is it o.k. or at least accepted for cats to wonder aimlessly outside? They are not wild animals - they belong to someone. Yet they are allowed to skulk around outside and shit in other peoples gardens and on their lawns and various other places. There isn't even a 'owner' around to pick up after them. Why would you even own a cat when it spends all it's time OUTSIDE of your home? What is the point?

As for dogs - why do some owners insist on NOT picking up their dogs shit when they are out for a walk but instead leaving it on a path or in the grass when some unsuspecting person (like myself) will step in it?? What about a curious child and they wondering what that 'thing' is in the grass?

Pets are a responsibility and if you are not up to picking up their shit and taking care of them - well then don't have them in the first place. Unfortunately you don't need a licence to have a pet...


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Actually, you DO need a license to own a pet. Furthermore, cat owners are REQUIRED to LEASH their cats if they are going to be outside. It is LAW. People are idiots, but the city needs to get on top of the owners and start shelling out fines.

4D said...

Oopss...I had an accident on your lawn and could not get to the bathroom quick enough.

People are stupid...

Keep smilin!

Anonymous said...

If we did live closer, it would be my cats shitting in your lawn. Sorry.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I completely agree with the dog thing. The cat thing? Well, we live on an acreage, and kitties are roaming around her all the time. But I find that they usually bury their poop. OTOH, I remember when we lived in the city that I was ALWAYS annoyed by the neighbour cat who pooped all over our flower beds, and never on his own! AAAAHHH!!!! So....um...yeah, I guess I have no solution. Diapers for cats?

D & S said...

As a new dog owner, I make sure that whenever we go out with Jinx, I have poop bags to clean up after her. As gross as I find it, I make sure I clean up after her.

Mad Max said...

I hate being shut indoors. Outdoors is where I like to be, except when the weather is bad or if I want a nap somewhere safe. I don't poo near the home where I get fed, that would be unhygenic. I do try to be considerate when I need a poo, but you humans do make it so difficult. You grass over most of the ground and I'm often forced to do my business out in the open, I hate this. When I do find some soft earth in which I can dig a proper hole I find that some idiot has planted flowers on it! What's the deal with letting the little humans play in the big outdoor sandy litter trays... aren't they for us cats?!

RamblingMother said...

questions I ask myself all the time esp when the dogs come in my yard. and the neighbors cat uses my garden as its litterbox, ticks me off to no end.

Tracey said...

It goes back to choices. I choose not to have a pet because I don't want to have the responsibility to take care of it and I resent when animals leave their "business" in my garden and am forced to clean up someone elses choice. Not only is it a pain in the butt but it can lead to toxoplasmosis, which although to most not harmful, it can cause birth defects for pregnant women and can eventually kill immunocompromised individuals.