Sunday, October 15, 2006

The New Name...


I recevied many suggestions for names for the new blog - THANKS!!! I have come up with a new name - Waiting for Pumpkin!! Why Pumpkin you ask? Well when I was a kid - and into adulthood - my father always called me Pumpkin. Based on that, and I think it is a cute nickname and that I will probably call my daughter/daughters the same name, so I thought that an appropriate name for the site.

The link will be:
I am still in the process of bringing things over, but when I do, this blog will no longer be available.

Many people adopting from China have their new daughters name in the title of their blog. Well Mark and I have decided to keep the name of our daughter/daughters to ourselves for now. When we get closer to the time of getting her/them, then we will let everyone know her/their names.


Anonymous said...

I love the new name!

Anonymous said...

Here's to the Pumpkin(s)!!!

Does that make you guys the pumpkin patch?