Tuesday, June 26, 2007

**UPDATE** Thoughts, Reflections and Snippits of my Day!

When you are in line to pay for something, have your money or piece of plastic ready. You ARE going to have to pay for it. It is NOT going to be free. Don't be surprised when the cashier asks for the money.

If you chose to drive slow or slower then the posted limit, do so in the SLOW lane. NOT in fast lane. MOVE OVER!!!

If you are in any sort of CUSTOMER SERVICE field - WANT to be there - OR - find a new profession.

When you are in retail - talk to your friends on your own time - NOT when you are supposed to be doing something for me.

Make sure that if you are bitching about a customer, who is only aksing for what the sign says, make sure she is OUT of ear shot before you start.

Serve food in ALL food service areas as it should be. If it should be hot - serve it hot! If everyone returned or complained about the wrong food, companies would soon learn to stop serving it like that.

DO - put a space after a comma and TWO spaces after a period at the end of a sentence!

For Ontarians - Don't EVER lose your Red/White Health card. The Green ones are a PAIN!

Don't buy a car that doesn't have the horn in the middle of the steering wheel.

Don't let the 'blood sucker person' tell YOU which arm to take YOUR blood from 'cause they don't want to change the arm rest to the other side.

Don't forget to do a Purse meme when you are tagged.

DON'T ask me to fill out a satisfaction card when I am in this mood!

How was your day...

***UPDATE*** - Today I got home from my weekend away and my sister had brought in our mail for us. In the mail was a book of Tim Horton's gift certificates from 'The place that asked me to fill our a satisfaction card!' I must also mention that they called me at work the next day to see if there was something they could do better next time make my visit better!


Rhonda said...

*quickly leaves a comment, with the appropriate spaces after a comma and runs away.*

Sorry your day was craptacular. :(

D & S said...

Oh dear...I take it things weren't good? Long weekend in 3 days, that should count for something.

Jill and Jaap said...


I am guilty of not putting 2 spaces after a period. I never heard that before. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention in typing class? lol!!

insanemommy said...

I'm guilty of not spacing properly too.... don't shoot me. I'll try harder next time.

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I love you, Michelle. I love your for expressing all my pet peeves in one post so at I don't have to. I would add, though, this little snippet:

Plural words DO NOT require an apostrophe. For example, writing this is incorrect:
My shoe's have two lace's.

Writing this is correct:
My shoes have two laces.

The ONLY time to use an apostrophe is when you are showing possession.
For example:

Michelle's shoes have two laces.

Whew...I feel better already!!

Oh, and I still have my red and white health card! Yay, me!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

My day yesterday sounded just like yours! Hopefully today will be better for both of us!!!!!

Elisa...life as we know it. said...

Whoa, you are def having a really crappy day...sending you loads of cyber hugs.


4D said...

Ripped from my head!

You rock girl!

Keep smilin! (w/o the G because I am a rebel)

kitchu said...

Well said, well spoken. Or well griped, well vented. Whatever. I hear you girl.

Please tell me you never tagged me though.I SUCK at doing them and probably never will do them.

M and M said...

Kris - It was me who forgot about the tag and writing this right now reminds me that I still have to do it!

Donna Paonessa said...

Oh no...hope today was better!!


dawn said...

Would you like a glass of red or white or perhaps we should head straight for the spirits!

Hope you are smiling again.
Love this post. (space space)

C's Mom said...

Oh lordy...I have to say I think my day was better than yours.

Hope yours is looking up soon.

I did my purse meme...I'm of the hook!

Headmeister said...

OMG, can I get an "AMEN" to that post, sister!

Sorry it was so sucky - but boy oh boy you must be in my head! I agree with EVERYTHING you said here!

Anne Marie said...

Yikes! Blogger seems to suck away the second space after my periods, but other than that, I am 100% with you!

redmaryjanes said...

Girlfriend..let it all out!! I agree totally!!! Especially about the fast lane.

Julie said...

I take it that today wasn't the best for you. (Period, two spaces).

Hope tomorrow rocks to make up for today! :o)



Tracey and Mike said...

Actually modern typography practise calls for only one space after a period, but I don't think you're in the mood to debate...
Hope you're having a better day! :)

The Carmodys said...

Oh you're so funny! I love this post. I totally have days like the one you've had there.

I haven't had a red and white health card forever! Haven't had a problem with the green one . . . yet.

And one more thing - hey world, quit pissing off my friend Michelle!


"M2" said...

What purse me me? space space

Michelle said...

You are so right about the blood draw. The last time this happened and I told the guy he needed to switch to my L arm, he insisted on staying with R, saying he was really good. I gave in, and that was a mistake! I was in a lot of pain the rest of the day!!!

Calico Sky said...

lol oh sweetie....
2 words

(((BIG HUG)))

A Mom- In-W8ing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Ooh, I hope the weekend cheered you up!

I like the old way of 2 spaces after periods too. Blogger doesn't like the old way though because it always takes my 2nd space away.

Smiles! :o)

PS - really, I had 2 spaces after the period above ^.

crazylady said...

There is an alcohol cooler for that condition.
Bitter after taste though.

I don't know, I just work here.

Catherine said...

Sorry your day was so yucky but Timmy's GC's are always a good thing!

When I read this through the first time I was thinking...hey, was she following me around and I didn't see her?

Hope tomorrow is better. Only a 4 day week. Yeah! It's getting better already.

Anonymous said...


Love the list