Monday, March 19, 2007


Holy cow - I am going to reach 6000 hits in the next day!!

Where has the time gone? I remember when I started this blog I wondered is ANYONE would read it!!

I will TRY and figure out who person 6000 is and let you all know!!

Thanks for reading!!


Liz and Ava said...

That's great!...I don't think I'm anywhere near 1/3 of that.

Polar Bear said...

I really enjoy reading your blog! Pretty soon you will have double that! It is amazing how quickly it adds up.

Anonymous said...

Wow - and you weren't even sure if you were going to do a blog! 6000 hits, that's awesome.

4D said...

So...who is it? Me?

Is it me yet?



Keep smilin!

t~ said...

Was I number 6000?

redmaryjanes said...

I can't find the counter! Am I 6000?

Jill and Jaap said...

Where HAS the time gone?! See...together, the time will fly!

The Carmodys said...

Oh how fun is that? You are soooo popular! Like . . . totally! :) But seriously that's great - and why would you think no one would stop by? You have a great blog and you're a great person!


D & S said...

Oh, oh, is it me??? Congrats on the hits.

Tracey and Mike said...

Is there a prize?!
Was it me? I could hit refresh a couple of times....

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Is it me? Is it me? Is it me??
You and Rhonda are the cutest for keeping track of your posts.
I hope I am the 6000th!!!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Is it me now??

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

How aout now?

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Oooooh, it's got to be me this time!!!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

C'mon, throw me a bone!!!!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

This is addicting...okay, I'll leave you alone now. :)

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I just realized that it isn't the comments you are's the visits. Sigh...I'm not the brightest crayon in the box.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Am I number 6000?

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Now am I 6000?qzc

Middle-Aged Moi said...

How 'bout now?

Sorry. Can't help myself. I was hoping to win a potato peeler or something.