I am just curious - and this is by no way scientific, but are there people out there who were/are unable to conceive that consume large amounts of aspartame.
I have created a mini poll on the side bar and I would really appreciate it if you participated. Even those people who read and don't comment can participate as it is anonymous.
This is my first poll and I am just kinda figuring things out as I go!
Thanks for helping out!
cant help you out with this one, but good luck with your poll!!!
I voted no, but you might want to take my vote out. I am 100% sure that my infertility is age/pre-menopause related.
I'll be interested to see the results!
During the seven years that we were trying to conceive (man, am I glad that time of my life is over!) I was the healthiest, most pure girl in the world. I drank loads of water, watched my sodium and iron intake, managed my magnesium and calcium so that I had a mixture of dairy and soy and not too much of either, etc., etc. I only drank raspberry and green tea and gave up coffee.
I wish we knew what the issue with us was (we have some indication, but only another IVF cycle would verify it and there is NO way that I would ever ut myself through that misery again).
I've never heard of that. It would be interesting to see the results.
Never could conceive (known all my life) and I did not drink diet pop. No correlation for me.
Keep smilin!
It wont take my vote!!! But my answer is no I don't/didn't use a lot of it.One diet coke a day.
I voted no. But I do have alot of caffiene!!!! It will be interested to see your results. Keep us updated.
I don't eat or drink anything with aspartame. I'm pretty sure that my infertility is age related. Aspartame and migraine prone people don't mix. One mouthful of diet pop and I'm out for 2 days with a severe migraine.
The results would be interesting as I've heard lots of bad stuff about aspartame.
Interesting- did you read something somewhere? I will also be interested to see the results.
Interesting idea. It doesn't apply to me though. Good luck...I'll be curious to see the results!
Hmm.. what made you think of this? Interesting poll. I've been doing diet soda since my teenage years! Though I am 95% positive I have pretty severe endometriosis...
I voted No. I don't drink/use the stuff. Fertility drugs with both kids.
Hmmmm - very interesting. Let us know what the results are.
I have heard a lot of very disturbing things about aspartane. I can conceive though. I just have a very difficult time keeping the baby stable for 9 months.
I can't really help you with this either, but I can tell you that my mom is diabetic, and although she is supposed to be able to have pop with asparatame (sp?) in it, it STILL puts her blood sugar up. WHo knows?
Janet T.
PS- YOur poll is an interesting one.
Hey Michelle-
Yes, I took that photo you asked about. I always try to post a photo is NOT taken by me when it isn't, otherwise you can assume I took it. I altered the color slightly on my computer, hence the intense blue.
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