Sunday, January 14, 2007

National DeLurking Week...I am a little slow...

Hello Readers!

Last week was apparently National DeLurking week in the Blog world. Well I had other things going on and I didn’t get a chance to post about it last week, and since this is MY blog, I declare that is it “National DeLurking Entry” on my blog.

So, what that means is that those of you who regularly leave a comment are encouraged to contine to do so and those of you who read the blog and don’t leave a comment, THIS is the time to do so (leave a comment that is).

I would love to hear from you!!

Have a great day!!


Jeff and Suzanne said...

I read your blog almost daily. I am so glad to have met you through the DTC group and share this experience with you.

Rhonda said...

Awww, do I have to? ;)

Anne Marie said...

Hi, Michelle! I'm here, I'm reading and I'm sending your square tomorrow!

Jill and Jaap said...

Hey there...I am a little slow too at the Nat'l delurking week...ah well.

Hope you are having a great day!

Catherine said...

Just checking in friend...hi!

wzgirl said...


Calico Sky said...

never been a lurker, but thought I should say hi!

Special K said...

Crap... that reminds me. I promised you a square too. I need to get that done. Don't worry. It's coming. But may not get done until after the weekend.

Brandi said...

Hi Michelle! I read your blog (along with about 100 others) at least once a week. It's great getting to know everyone from the group!

Have a great day!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Just popping in to say HI! I'm not a lurker, but I just love reading your blog so I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you that. :)

D & S said...

Not a lurker but always happy to post a comment.

Anonymous said...

ohhh lurking sounds so negative, let's say I sometimes have a quiet but attentive eye ;) miss you guys!

Lisa said...

Hi Michelle. No lurking here. I love the opportunity to say hi though.


dawn said...

I am not exactly delurking more like stopping by. Thanks for stopping by our place too!

I love your blog and the name.

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

I totally missed that too!!! I'm a poster. I wish more lurkers would come out of the wood works!!!


(12 more sleeps)

Tracey and Mike said...

While I'm not a lurker I thought I should say hi (don't want to become a lurker!)

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

Might see you Friday night Michelle


I'm going to try my best to make it!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I'm not a lurker, but HI! I'm here! NOt lurking....nope, not me.....(lurk, lurk, lurk).......